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Montvale, NJ

Tongue Tie Surgery for the Montvale, NJ Area

Montvale is a borough in northern Bergen County, bordering the State of New York about 30 minutes from New York City. Around 8,400 people call the borough home, and it is continuously growing. This thriving town not only boasts excellent schools and parks but also a strong sense of community that makes it a wonderful place to live and raise a family.

As a resident of Montvale, it’s important to stay informed about health and wellness, including understanding when specialized medical procedures may be necessary for you or your family. One such procedure is tongue tie surgery, which addresses issues related to tethered oral tissue typically in children. If your child is having trouble with breastfeeding, speech, or swallowing, these could be signs that a frenectomy procedure is needed. This surgery can significantly improve quality of life by correcting these conditions, allowing for better mobility and function.

Schedule Your Frenectomy Procedure Today!

If you believe that tongue tie surgery might be beneficial for you or your loved one, we encourage you to visit the New Jersey Tongue Tie Center. Our local center specializes in treating tethered oral tissues with precision and care, ensuring that each frenectomy procedure is tailored to meet the specific needs of our patients. Don’t let tongue or lip ties hold you back from enjoying all that life has to offer. Contact us today and take the first step towards improved oral health and wellness.

We look forward to meeting you!